Yeast Infection - Take Control Fast
Yeast infections and other ailments occur when the bad bacteria get a change to grow rapidly and cause illnesses. This happens when we are under stress, taking antibiotics or even when we have hormonal fluctuations (menstruation).
Good and bad bacteria inhabits our intestines. We need the good bacteria for digestive purposes and to fight the bad bacteria.
Along with some other types of bacteria, Candida albicans are usually present in small amounts in the vaginal area. However, the bacteria becomes a cause for concern when it multiples rapidly, becoming a yeast infection also known by the medical terms of candidiasis or monilia
There are some external factors that can make it worse such as
Tight or poorly ventilated clothing, including damp bathing suits or pantyhose.
Significant dietary changes, poor nutrition, and bad eating habits like junk food and high sugar intake.
Douching washes away both healthy secretions and normal bacteria from the vagina.
Improper wiping from rear to front after using the toilet.
Sweating, which can also increase your pH level.
Poor personal hygiene.
Perfumed feminine hygiene sprays.
Allergic reactions to soaps, and synthetic materials.
There are many classifications of candidiasis of which the most common are
Oral candidiasis (Thrush)
Candidal vulvovaginitis (vaginal yeast infection)
Antibiotic candidiasis (Iatrogenic candidiasis)
Here are some home remedies to get rid of yeast infections
Cranberry juice
Cranberry juice is very effective in preventing and treating yeast infections. Cranberries have long been associated with helping prevent urinary tract infections as it displays an anti-adhesion effect on certain harmful bacteria in the mouth and stomach that cause gum disease and stomach ulcers. The unique structure of compounds found in cranberries called proanthocyanidins, or PACs, are responsible for this anti-adhesion benefit. Furthermore, laboratory research suggests cranberries may also work against gastrointestinal viruses by preventing them from attaching to red blood cells or infecting host cells.
Plain yogurt
Plain yogurt - the good bacteria helps fight yeast and yogurt can be used both internally and externally. BUT, be sure you buy plain, unsweetened yogurt. Since sugar feeds yeast, this is a crucial point. Yogurt is a great thing to eat before meals because it provides good bacteria for your stomach to aid in digestion.
Garlic is a big enemy of yeast! This is one of the most effective home remedies. Eaten and applied externally for instant relief.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice has many health benefits as it helps to restore the pH levels in your body and can be used both internally and externally. The best external application is to add about a cup of lemon juice to your bathwater and take a nice hot bath. This will feel very relaxing and soothing and will help temporarily. Drink a glass of water with juice of half a lemon first thing in the morning.
By drinking enough water your body is able to flush out all unwanted substances like sugar, which aids bad bacteria to flourish.
Oil of Oregano
This is truly a doctor in a bottle and very effective against yeast. Take it internally daily,
according to manufacturer's directions. Make sure that the type of oil you choose has a high carvacrol content, as this is the active ingredient.

How Serious Can A Yeast Infection Get?
Most people think of a yeast infection as a casual inconvenience, a bothersome irritation. The truth is recurring yeast infections are a sign of a serious immune imbalance. The best time to re-establish balance is when you first detect the symptoms of yeast infection. Ignored, your minor irritation could lead to a systemic outbreak, triggering Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), bladder and kidney infections . . . and even attack your entire body.
Often E. coli bacteria is blamed for Urinary Tract Infections triggered from improper hygiene and poor diet. The traditional response to this is to administer antibiotics which usually kill off the E. coli as well as the important beneficial micro-organisms.
Once your beneficial micro-organisms and pro-biotic organisms are killed off your immune imbalance can worsen.
This is why having a yeast infection usually goes hand-in-hand with having UTI. This common yeast normally kept in check by your immune system can flourish when your defences have been compromised by antibiotics.
This common yeast, called Candida, is a dimorphic life-form and when mature becomes a deadly fungus. This fungus can invade every organ in your body, if your defences are not restored.
Candida may occur during antibiotic or corticosteroid treatment promoting yeast organisms throughout your gastrointestinal tract and genital areas. Most common in women, severe cases are usually caught from hospital visits. Catheters are notorious for causing UTI and bladder infections that can lead to kidney or systemic infections.
Candida invasion has been reported to cause up to 15% of cases of septicaemia seen in hospital patients. Septicaemia is a syndrome that results from an acute invasion of the bloodstream by organisms or their toxic by-products.
Once Candida transforms into its fungal stage, it burrows into your tissue and releases toxins into the bloodstream. Have you ever heard of septic shock? It is usually caused by bacteria, but can be triggered by Candida fungal invasion as well.
Symptoms are rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing and then a drop in blood pressure . . . causing you to go into shock. Because the spread of Candida invasion damages organ tissues, organ failure often develops. That is why mortality rates are as high as 40 to 60%, especially in patients with a compromised immune system.
Candida is regulated by your beneficial micro-organisms on your skin and healthy flora within your digestive tract. However, once allowed to flourish, if your healthy flora is not re-established the yeast will enter the fungal stage and risk contaminating your entire body.
Newborns and the elderly are at the greatest risk. About two-thirds of septic shock cases occur in hospitals. If you wind up in the hospital with a kidney infection you are in a high risk category.
This is why it is of the utmost importance that you do not take your UTI lightly. Plus, if you are known to have a UTI more than once a year, you need to get serious about it. By getting serious about it, I mean you need to discover the "root cause" of your yeast infections and urinary Tract Infections before they have a chance to worsen.
Educating yourself about natural remedies is a great place to start. If you are receiving medical treatment, ask your doctor what you can do to re-establish your healthy flora.
for more information about curing UTI naturally go to UTI
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